有怪兽 大怪兽 丑怪兽 粘著我

目前分類:自选好歌推荐 (27)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要


the story makes my heart ache T^T so goood.. and yet the ending is so boom...right in your face but yet you cant blame them 'cos it's still heartwarming.


I might not be the right one
It might not be the right time
But there's something about us I've got to do
Some kind of secret I will share with you


music can be so gooood.

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於是長大了以後 有些事你非得要經歷搞懂
長大了以後 不想懂也要懂
認命的接受 不認命也接受 只是受殤還受用

於是長大了以後 我們都跟那現實做了朋友
忘記了單純天真 其實才是你的摯友
卻沒人能夠 卻沒人能夠 躲得過


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One of the best soundtracks I heard so far of a Facebook game.

Composed by Stephen Rippy.





sighhh..so niceee and peaceful.

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"“Why is my life like this?” Those words are just excuses

Don’t give up so easily on this game called life

So when you close your eyes in this world, you can open your last door of happiness without any regrets "

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epic song makes movie epic.

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Don't remind me
I'm a chickadee in love with the sky

I dont know why but im always attracted to Owl City's songs.
The lyrics sometimes doesn't matched / doesn't ryhmed ...
but they always sound...so sweeeeeeeeet~

like tasting honey :)

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even though i miss his emo-elmo hairstyle.. but he still looked so charming.



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Picture 5 

on repeat mode.

enuff said.

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show love to talented boys.


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"So tell me darling, do you wish we'll fall in love?
All the time, all the time"


Owl City never fails to amaze me with his songs.

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I know the original song is already guitar'd. But it's still so nice to hear it (only guitar) and Sungha Jung !!!


Have to see this guy in dec.. hmmm..

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Two of my favourite vocaloid songs..

Amazed by how advanced our technology is now... esp in Japan

Holographic 3D Hatsune Miku

rin kagamine




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Belleville Rendez-Vous

J'veux pas finir ma vie à Singapour


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A-CHA Teaser.. OMO.. looked at Sungminnie! Finally he got a decent haircut!

23rd Sept (Fri) Comeback Stage ;)


Once again, I would like you guys to focus on Sungminnie's hair!


POWERFUL VOCALS! U go guys! even though there's only 8 of you on the stage









Picture 2.png 

Just cant get enough of Sungminnie!

He's the hidden gem among SuJu's while Yesung is the wonderful vocalist! My favs. in SuJu ;)

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;) didnt know thai language can go so well with korean...

i'm addicted!

Room39! is this thai indie?

sure niceeee~

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小隊長的新歌 《別在我睡覺的時候打電話給我》!!!

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很想 在牆上 寫髒話 來敷衍你
不然 就向臉上 揍一拳 來靜止這混亂


好美好美的 歌聲
好美好美的 旋律

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雖然聽不懂廣東歌 可是 at17的青春 也太好聽了吧!

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